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Announcing your #MHNowCreation submissions!


To celebrate the 6-month anniversary of Monster Hunter Now, we asked you to submit your illustrations, videos, and creations with the hashtag #MHNowCreation. We want to say a big thank you to everyone who participated!

Submissions were split into 5 categories under two themes - Monster Hunter Now in everyday life and Monster Hunter Now tips for rookie hunters. Today we’re announcing 15 of the works we received out of the many submissions you made. Check them out below!

*The works shown were created by participants and are not the work of Capcom or Niantic.

*The contents of the video works are current as of the time of recording and are not guaranteed to be reflective of gameplay today.

“Monster Hunter Now in everyday life”

Illustrations/Manga Division

Cosplay/Modeling Division

Crafts Division

”Monster Hunter Now tips for rookie hunters”

Streaming/Video Division

TikTok Division

@kompeitogame 【★8ver 2部位破壊】太刀によるアンジャナフの倒し方#モンハンnow #モンハンなう #太刀 #アンジャナフ ♬ オリジナル楽曲 - kompeito

Thank you to everyone who celebrated the 6-month anniversary of Monster Hunter Now with us through #MHNowCreation!

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Monster Hunter Now is available for download! Get outside and hunt monsters in the real world.